Quality, Health, Safety and Environment
Striving to zero incidents or towards achieving quality excellence is more than ‘a journey’. In our continuous efforts to make ‘attention to quality, health & safety and environmental impact’ permanent company values, we better call it an ‘adventure’. The road to improving a QHSE culture can’t be mapped out or programmed…

Six Construct has set three clear goals to achieve this ambition:

  • Excellent safety, which means never being at risk during the execution of the job

  • Minimizing the impact of our operations to the environment in order to maximise sustainability, which requires Six Construct to put in place an environmental management programme that focuses on aspects like energy consumption, waste, hazardous products, soiletcetera...

  • First time right, to guarantee delivering a project with the right quality while respecting agreed timings. This means we put a strong focus on preparation, planning, quality assurance and quality control throughout all phases of a project.

    The organization as a whole and every individual employee in particular plays an important role in guaranteeing this incident free working environment and preventing any adverse impact of your activities on the environment whilst ensuring the level of quality expected our Clients. 

    Six Construct commitment related to Quality, Health & Safety and Environment is set out in the corporate QHSE policy statement which, together with our policies on good governance, form the basis for our Integrated Management system (IMs).

    Related to QHSE, this system is a combination of processes and procedures that describe how Six Construct implements QHSE in its daily operation, and a number of objectives and targets to ensure continual improvement of our QHSE performance.

The Integrated Management system is certified according to the following standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015

  • ISO 14001:2015

  • ISO 45001:2018

In striving for continual improvement, Six Construct carries out an in-depth internal and external audit programme according to which all business processes, both on site and in our offices, are audited on a frequent basis.

Corporate Policy statement

Mission & Vision

We believe in a Six Construct that operates as one team, focused on sustainable growth and recognizing local differences whilst building on Group leverage. This leverage is created as a result of excellent Client relationships and added value delivery in existing and new markets. As such we offer a fully integrated solution to our Clients, with attention to quality and respecting safety and the environment.


As one of the six core values of the Group, we consider the QHSE domain to be one of our main priorities.
The Six Construct management is committed to implementing a Group-wide policy regarding the quality of its services, its employees’ health & safety and protection of the environment. Six Construct is responsive to the needs of its Clients, its Employees and its Shareholders and complies fully with the legislation, regulations and operational standards in force.
All individuals working for Six Construct are expected to perform their job in accordance with the mission and vision and all applicable procedures and instructions.
Each person has the right and moral obligation to stop the work when an incident with impact on his/her or another person’s health and safety or the environment is likely to occur.


Quality Management. Six Construct ensures that its clients' needs are assessed and that every employee understands these and is motivated to meet them. Our employees are actively encouraged to look for feedback from both external and internal clients regarding our services and so strive for continuous improvement.

Safeguarding our workers

Any incident, accident or occupational illness is unacceptable. Being active in a high risk sector such as construction is an incentive for Six Construct to ensure employee’s integrity by managing and mitigating risks in a proactive manner, learning from mishaps an applying best practices in our operation. We expect all our employees to demonstrate leadership and teamwork with regard to health and safety.

Protecting the environment

Our activities must also be undertaken with respect for the environment. Based on an environmental impact assessment, measures will be taken to use energy and natural raw resources sparingly, to minimise pollution, to limit the use of hazardous substances and waste generation and to investigate alternatives. Initiatives are taken to re-use and recycle materials and to introduce and apply best practices wherever practicable.

Meeting standards

Six Construct constantly develops, implements and maintains a documented Integrated Management system that aims to meet the various norms and standards (ISO9001 – ISO14001 – ISO45001 etc.) and will ensure to analyse the impact of strategic decisions on this system in terms of risk management and compliance management.


In order to put this policy into practice, the Management of each entity is required to lead by example and to set realistic but ambitious QHSE objectives and must strive to achieve them. They will take the necessary measures and encourage their colleagues to constantly improve their performance in these areas.
We are convinced that meeting our QHSE objectives can only be achieved with the deployment of competent and qualified personnel. Therefore BESIX Group will make the required resources available and offer a permanent soft and technical skills development program with special attention to QHSE related training.
In order to reach our objectives and continuously improve its QHSE performance, Six Construct will:
• Demonstrate leadership on a day to day basis;
• Stimulate a proactive company culture;
• Promote a clear and open communication with our external and internal Stakeholders by making clear agreements;
• Put QHSE as a fixed item on the agenda during meetings at Company and project level;
• Assess the impact of QHSE related aspects at the start of each project with the setting of clear objectives and targets to control and reduce this impact and mitigate all risks;
• Report all unwanted events/situations in a transparent and swift manner;
• Permanently support our operations by a qualified and competent QHSE Department.


For regional questions, please contact Sergio Lopes, HSE Manager, BESIX Middle East: slopes@sixco.ae